Undergraduate 2019-2020

BAMG 350 Management and Organizational Behavior

An introduction to management and organizational behavior including theories and concepts applicable to individuals, teams, and organizations. Topics include managerial processes, motivation, leadership, group dynamics, perception, decision-making, power, culture, change, communication, diversity, and ethics.

Class Restriction

Include Junior and Senior

BAMG 353 Human Resources Management

A survey of human resource management topics such as recruitment, selection, training, development, performance appraisal, compensation, career development.

Class Restriction

Include Junior and Senior

BAMG 354 Organizational Behavior

Prerequisite: BAMG 350 with a minimum grade of C-. Juniors or above. A study of behavioral science theories and concepts applicable to individuals, teams, and organizations. Topics include motivation, leadership, group dynamics, perception, decision-making, power, culture, change and communication.


BAMG 355 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

The objective of this course is to provide significant exposure to the entrepreneurial process. Students will learn how to recognize and evaluate small business opportunities and successful entrepreneurial practices.

Class Restriction

Include Junior and Senior

BAMG 356 Business Planning

This course is designed as an activity course emphasizing the creation of a business plan. Students will learn problems and opportunities of starting new businesses.


BAMG 350: with minimum grade of C- and BAMG 355: with minimum grade of C- and BAMK 260: with minimum grade of C- and BAAC 301: with minimum grade of C- and BAFN 302: with minimum grade of C- and ECON 205: with minimum grade of C-

Class Restriction

Include Junior and Senior

BAMG 390 Operations Management

An activity based course covering the efficient and effective production of goods and services. The course focuses upon appropriate application of analytical techniques and software tools for sustainable and lean operational decisions. Topics covered include: manufacturing processes, service processes, quality management analysis, capacity management, and lean/sustainable operations.


BACS 101: with minimum grade of D- and STAT 150: with minimum grade of D-

Class Restriction

Include Junior and Senior