Undergraduate 2019-2020

BIO 210 Cell Biology

Study cellular basis of life, with emphasis on biological macromolecules, cell organelles, cell membranes, cellular respiration and photosynthesis, and evolution of cells.


BIO 110: with minimum grade of D- and (May concurrently take CHEM 112: with minimum grade of D- and May concurrently take CHEM 112L: with minimum grade of D- or May concurrently take CHEM 231: with minimum grade of D- or May concurrently take CHEM 281: with minimum grade of D- and May concurrently take CHEM 281L: with minimum grade of D-) and CHEM 111: with minimum grade of D- and CHEM 111L: with minimum grade of D-

BIO 211 Cell Biology Applications

Prerequisite: BIO 110. Co-requisite: BIO 210. Strengthen critical thinking and problem solving skills while exploring real-world applications of cell biology and the technology of discovery.


BIO 110: with minimum grade of D-


BIO 210

BIO 220 Genetics

Study fundamental laws of heredity, the molecular structure and function of genes, and emerging genetic technologies.


BIO 110: with minimum grade of D- and BIO 210: with minimum grade of D-

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BIO 221 Genetics Applications

Co-requisite: BIO 220. Explore current applications and methods of Genetics, while developing critical thinking and problem solving skills in the field.


BIO 220

BIO 245 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) Stress regulatory mechanisms that maintain normal body function and broad general biological principles as they apply to structure and function.

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BIO 246 Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology

(2 lecture, 3 laboratory) Study of regulation of cellular and systemic physiology, including membrane transport, cell cycle, autonomic nervous system, cardiovascular system, renal function and metabolism as they relate to homeostasis. Inquiry based laboratory.


BIO 245: with minimum grade of D-

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BIO 251 Allied Health Microbiology

(3 lecture, 3 lab) Basic microbiology course with applications for allied health professions such as nursing. Emphasis is on microorganisms involved in human health and disease, and microbiology in public health.


(BIO 100: with minimum grade of D- or BIO 105: with minimum grade of D- or BIO 110: with minimum grade of D-)

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BIO 265 Life Science Concepts

(2 lecture, 2 laboratory) An investigation of basic biological concepts in biological science through lecture, discussion and laboratory investigation. Ideal for students seeking elementary certification.

Course Attribute

LC6-Physical & Life Sciences and LCLB-Science Lab Course and GT Physical & Life Science