Undergraduate 2019-2020

CIE 040 High-Intermediate Speaking & Listening

In this class, students continue to develop the skills and strategies needed for academic success. Students prepare several presentations and practice their discussion skills. Development of note-taking strategies remains a focus of this course. Proper intonation and stress skills when speaking are practiced.

CIE 041 High-Intermediate Writing

This course focuses on writing effective academic paragraphs. Students learn the distinction between informal and academic writing, academic paragraph format and organization, and essential steps of the writing process. Students also learn to produce paragraphs in the rhetorical styles of narration, description, and process (and possibly opinion or example if time permits). Students will be introduced to the concepts of logical division of ideas, coherence, and transition signals. Students are expected to demonstrate improvement in spelling and vocabulary, punctuation, and grammar.

CIE 043 High-Intermediate Grammar

This class introduces the uses of the present perfect as well as the more advanced comparative aspects of adjectives and adverbs. Gerunds and infinitives as well as nouns, quantifiers and articles are also studied.

CIE 044 High-Intermediate Reading & Vocabulary

This course builds and increases academic reading skills that are most useful for university students. It includes significant amounts of reading, and increasing variety of text types, academic vocabulary, and academic subject matter.

CIE 045 Computer Skills

Build basic computer skills in Microsoft Word and in PowerPoint. Students will learn basic functions of the most important toolbars, to navigate throughout programs, to create, format, save, revise and organize documents, and create, modify and present to the class a PowerPoint presentation.


CIE 046 Low-Intermediate Speaking/Listening

Students will be able to define and use new vocabulary, discuss main ideas, details and examples related lectures, and identify chronology, process, and classify/define. Also, students will take notes, work on pronunciation and presentation skills.


CIE 047 Low-Intermediate Writing

Students will learn: the writing process, finding and narrowing topic, pronouns, adjectives and adverbs, narration, support, order, description, capitalization, commas, quotation marks, and compare/contrast.


CIE 048 Low-Intermediate Grammar

Students will show competency with: nouns and quantifiers, articles, prepositional phrases, 'Wh' questions, gerunds, linking verbs, adjectives, adverbs, independent & dependent clauses, future time clauses, simple, compound, & complex sentences.


CIE 049 Low-Intermediate Reading/Vocabulary

Students will learn: new vocabulary, main ideas, specific information & facts using outside resources & direct quotes, identification of author's position or opinion, drawing conclusions and making comparisons.