Undergraduate 2019-2020

CIE 070 Graduate Oral Presentation

This course is for advanced students of English who need to work on using academic vocabulary, pronunciation and high-level presentation skills. Students will demonstrate competency in their ability to compile and present research-based information in oral presentations. Students will identify and improve pronunciation errors, thing critically, and use high-level academic vocabulary.

CIE 071 Graduate Research Writing

This course focuses upon writing an effective academic research paper. Students will learn to follow appropriate research format and will produce a final paper containing convincing academic research. Students will also be introduced to the specificity of the language used in scientific studies/ research papers.

CIE 075 Communication Between Cultures

Teach international students the cultural content and the language skills necessary to successfully communicate with students, faculty and other campus personnel.

CIE 076 High-Advanced Speaking/Listening

Students will recognize lecture cues, use context and prediction to understand main ideas, synthesize and summarize information from listening selections, give a summary/analysis presentation & debate and work on pronunciation.


CIE 077 High-Advanced Writing

Students will learn to use supporting information in the form of quotations,statistics, summary, paraphrase and intext citation. They will use consistent point-of-view and number agreement in extended definition and argumentation essays.


CIE 078 High-Advanced Grammar

Students will demonstrate competency with: adjective clauses, modals and similar expressions, speculations and conclusions about the past, nouns and articles, direct and indirect speech, and sentence connectors.


CIE 079 High-Advanced Reading/Vocabulary

Students will be able to demonstrate point of view, effective summaries, critical evaluation of online sources. They will continue to expand their knowledge of academic vocabulary in their specific disciplines.